
They / he
21 y/o


I started roleplaying in 2014, and I resumed doing so in 2020. @Murder_Empress is my first ever account dedicated to writing collaboratively.This is a double portrayal account enterprising that of Sōya Azashiro and Urozakuro, his Zanpakutō spirit. I consider my portrayal of their personalities canon, although I often revisit SAFWY to perfect my interpretations.·I follow and interact selectively.
I am not a fan of typing quirks at all, those which make replies hard to read (fancy text overuse, too many spaces, weirdly arranged text) so please keep in mind that. In a preferable scenario I would rather you avoid such when interacting with me, to facilitate our interactive experience.
I appreciate an intriguing & concise vocabulary from a roleplay partner. One who thrives for perfection and accuracy of their canon/original muse is ideal in my eyes.
Cunning and murderous muses are highly looked for.
I don't ship with Azashiro, but flirting is welcome.
I don't like lewd-focused accounts, neither does this acearo man.
Replies heavily rely on my dedication and free time.
If I don't use spaces nor quotation marks,
then my reply could be banter.
My DMs are open, assumed OOC, and I would prefer that people who conform to general DNI criteria do not associate.I unfollow people who flip/"lose muse".

Special INFO

- By interacting with this account, you also consent to the fact that Azashiro's Zanpakutō spirit, Urozakuro, is to be mentioned or introduced into our storylines at any proper opportunity I distinguish.- At the final stage of the SAFWY novel, he is imprisoned within Muken with nothing but his thoughts, in comparison to the beginning of the novel, where he is with Urozakuro. His personality has also altered to that of a more compassionate version of himself, however I will dismiss those facts. I will mostly make use of his emotionless demeanor for my writing pleasure.- He loathes Hollows and Quincies, and would not abstain from instantly using Seitai Yugo upon them in canon, however, I will find excuses to keep our interactions as engaging as possible.- If you want to plot a fight with Azashiro or Urozakuro, you must retain from his ability section that he is quite overpowered. Although, if I see fit, I will double down on some aspects, or once again find excuses.- It has taken Sōya Azashiro two years during his first Muken imprisonment to fully merge with the entirety of the Seireitei with the help of his Bankai, allowing him to hear whatever information circulates the parameters. Therefore, he might be aware of a few facts too many about your muse, if they partake the Bleach universe, and especially if they are a Shinigami.- Urozakuro has an overlyflirty and vulgar demeanor, however I will be trying to suppress as much of it as possible to avoid uncomfortable outcomes.- Sōya is childhood friends with Tokinada Tsunayashiro. I headcanon that his clan was behind his family's false trial, so I will be sustaining that theory on my account.- Azashiro has no canon height, but upon conversing with multiple fans, I have approximated it to being around 190cm (6'3).


‘Kenpachi’ Azashiro, upon close inspection of his overall actions and motives, can be described as an enigma to some, yet a true Soul Reaper emblem to others. 8th Kenpachi Azashiro Sōya appears to have a dichotomic demenaor, varying from his cold and direct serial killer persona, to a person who, even by the standards of Shunsui Kyōraku, is described to have a sense of justice and duty far greater than the rest of the Gotei. It came to many Captains as a means of shock, finding out that Azashiro Sōya hasn’t escaped Muken to cause disaster, but to maintain his duty as a Soul Reaper, even proposing his convoluted plans to The 13 Squad.
He revealed, situated before Shigekuni Yamamoto, that he plans to revendicate both the entirety of Hueco Mundo and the feelings of the entire human race (through psychosurgery) which make them prone to becoming hollows, acclaiming that such act is the best approach on the matter.
Azashiro firmly believes that any emotion, any state of mind is as useless as they are gormless, from sadness, to love, to arrogance and so forth, his personality being devoid of any of these aspects, merely being defined by harsh directness, occasionally contrasted by politeness (apologies and thanks). It is certainly questionable how he empathizes with others' feelings, yet chooses to disregard them completely.
It is also notable about his demeanor, he doesn’t waste time on useless details, even as to refuse disclosing his name if he is asked to. His view on life is quite narrow, revolving around “Shinigami duties”, such as exterminating Arrancar and Hollows every chance he gets.


At some point in the distant past, Sōya was born into the noble Azashiro Clan. During that time, life in Soul Society was far more brutal, as all the Noble Families were in a constant power struggle with each other. Anyone who lost said struggle would be falsely tried for crimes and sentenced to be executed by captured Hollows. Those with enough strength to fight Hollows, however, would be sent into the Dangai without a Jigokuchō.A young Sōya Azashiro watches his sister die in front of him.While the Azashiro Clan initially managed to survive the struggle thanks to their proficiency in Zanjutsu and Kidō, over the generations they became complacent and weak, relying only on their financial wealth. While the young Sōya was initially no different, his older sister wanted to become a Shinigami instead and preserve her family's declining pride and convinced Sōya to join her. Shortly afterwards, however, the entire Azashiro Clan was framed for crimes they did not commit, and all members and servants were sentenced to death by fighting Hollows. As Sōya and his sister were the last ones standing, she sacrificed herself to kill the last Hollow in the pit to save her brother. Despite the other Nobles agreeing to let any survivors live, they broke that promise and sent in more Hollows to kill Sōya.
As the trauma caused Sōya to mentally snap, his Zanpakutō Spirit, Urozakuro, first manifested her powers and, manipulating the Reishi around them, brutally slaughtered all nearby Nobles and allowed Sōya to escape into the Rukongai. The surviving Hollows were publically blamed for the massacre instead and executed, while Sōya remembered his sister's last request to him: to become a Shinigami.
250 years before the defeat of Sōsuke Aizen, Sōya Azashiro approached Captains Kenpachi Kuruyashiki and Shunsui Kyōraku, and the members of the 11th Division, as they were celebrating in the Rukongai. As Urozakuro confirmed to him that Kuruyashiki was his target, Azashiro challenged Kuruyashiki to a duel for the status of Kenpachi. While Shunsui was suspicious of the young man, and warned Kuruyashiki to be careful, Kuruyashiki accepted the challenge and asked Shunsui to act as witness. Once Kuruyashiki confirmed to Azashiro that the requirements for the duel have all been met, Kuruyashiki suddenly found himself eviscerated by an unknown force.As Kuruyashiki started bleeding out, the members of the Eleventh Division refused to accept his defeat, and claim that Azashiro had cheated. As they tried to attack Azashiro despite Shunsui's warnings, a dying Kuruyashiki activated his Shikai, Gagaku Kairō, and forced his subordinates back. Furious, Kuruyashiki demanded that they accept his loss with the honor expected from them. As Azashiro noted that Kuruyashiki would have been able to win had he used his Bankai, he realized that Kuruyashiki refused to use it as not to endanger his subordinates.Calling Kuruyashiki foolish for this sentiment, Azashiro finally introduced himself to Kuruyashiki. As Kuruyashiki acknowledged Azashiro as the next Kenpachi, he whispered with his last words to Azashiro not to make the same mistakes he did and to never hold back against an opponent, as that is what it means to be a "Kenpachi".


The name of Azashiro's Zanpakutō is unclear. Its Bankai name, Urozakuro (雨露柘榴, Rain and Dew Pomegranate), is repeatedly used as the name for his Zanpakutō, because it always exists in a Bankai state. The name Urozakuro would most accurately describe its Bankai form and not necessarily the Zanpakutō itself.
The shape of Urozakuro's sealed form is unknown.
Urozakuro is the manifested spirit of Sōya Azashiro's Zanpakutō.
Urozakuro's manifested spirit takes the form of a rather tall, busty female with long black hair fastened with a golden braid into a fan shape in the back, and two pony tails on either side. She has two straps covering both eyes, and wears a large lavender robe with very large sleeves, and black lining around the shoulders, exposing her cleavage.
Underneath her mask, Urozakuro is said to resemble Sōya's sister.

She appears to be quite unhinged and insane, commonly laughing in a psychotic manner and also is quite playful, teasing her master on a regular basis.Urozakuro first manifested herself when her master, Sōya Azashiro, was still a child. As the entire Azashiro Clan was sentenced to execution through fighting Hollows by other Nobles, the trauma of seeing his relatives be slaughtered caused Sōya to mentally snap, and Urozakuro first manifested her powers. Manipulating the Reishi around them, she brutally slaughtered all nearby Nobles and allowed Sōya to escape into the Rukongai, all while laughing maniacally.


The power of Azashiro's Bankai is to fuse with all of his surroundings and to control it. This is a power that extends to everything, even the air and the ground.Seitai Yūgō (生体融合, Living Body Fusion): One of his Bankai's ultimate techniques, Azashiro used this ability to kill Kuruyashiki in a single move. While the specifics of the technique have not been made clear, it ideally allows him to merge with a victim's body and destroy them from the inside, thus destroying their internal body. However, doing so seems to make him vulnerable to damage.Utsusu (写す, Imitate): Azashiro is capable of copying his mouth and hands several times over, among other body parts, in several different locations at once. Doing so allows him to utilize hundreds of high-level Kidō, such as Ittō Kasō, at the exact same time, allowing him to effortlessly overpower a large number of opponents and even eradicate a captain-level opponent or stronger with overwhelming assaults of Kidō.


By Azashiro's own admission, he does not know the release call of his Zanpakutō. In Shikai form, the sword has no unique features, and is compared in appearance to a standard Asauchi.Unique to Urozakuro, the Shikai does not possess an ability of its own and is instead entirely dependent upon the Bankai. In Shikai form, all of the Reishi that Azashiro had fused together with in Bankai is drawn to him and condensed into the form of a single sword. It is the act of abandoning his all-powerful shield but gaining a powerful spear instead.

Zanpakutō (Bankai) weaknesses

Stagnant body
By Urozakuro's own accounts, all Bankai have some sort of drawback to use. Her drawback means that as long as her Bankai remains active, Azashiro's physical body cannot be trained, preventing him from getting stronger conventionally and leaving him severely weakened if his Bankai would be negated.
While the ability of Urozakuro to fuse Azashiro's body with Reishi makes it very difficult, if not impossible, to hurt him conventionally, it does make him extra vulnerable to any abilities focused on "absorption". For example, Ruri'iro Kujaku's ability to absorb Reiatsu or the Pícaro's Chuchería ability, which sucks in Reishi like a black hole, are highly dangerous to Azashiro.

Great Spiritual Power

As a former captain of the Gotei 13, Azashiro possesses a great amount of Reiryoku.

Kidō Master

Azashiro is highly skilled in Kidō; in combination with his Zanpakutō's powers, he can cast several high-level Hadō spells at once.